About Us

EITB today

EITB is a publicly owned audiovisual group that operates broadcast media in the Basque Country.

EITB is a public service broadcaster answerable to the Basque Government whose remit is to respond to the needs of Basque society with a range of audiovisual products including news & current affairs, educational content and entertainment of a plural, attractive, high-quality nature, to promote the Basque language and culture and to help normalise and extend the use of Basque in the current audiovisual ecosystem.

It has three business units for creating and distributing content: TV, Radio and Online. The three are currently run jointly under the flagship company EITB Media. The broad range of content offered by EITB includes news and entertainment in both Basque and divish.

The organisation currently has 5 TV channels (ETB1, ETB2, ETB3, ETB4 & ETBBasque), 6 radio stations (Euskadi Irratia, Gaztea, Radio Euskadi, Radio Vitoria, EITB Musika and Euskal Kantak) and several digital products including a website (eitb.eus), a streaming service with live and on-demand content (EITB Nahieran) and apps for Smart TVs and mobile devices. It also distributes content via YouTube and social media.

EITB is making significant progress in the Audiovisual is Digital orientation that underlies the EITB 2030 Strategy, with the aim of being the guarantee of Basque audiovisual content and in Basque in the face of new digital consumption and media. Highlights include the launch of the free streaming platform PRIMERAN, the Orain news service via Whatsapp and Instagram, and the platform for children and young audiences MAKUSI and the audio platform GUAU-Gure Audioa. Following the launch of Gaztea's new website, with access to its entire universe, other digital proposals will be launched in the coming months.


Icono PDF - PDF ikonoa EITB 2030 Strategy Icono ojo - Begi baten ikonoa Icono PDF - PDF ikonoa Audiovisual is Digital Icono ojo - Begi baten ikonoa Icono PDF - PDF ikonoa The value and impact of EITB in society Icono ojo - Begi baten ikonoa

Icono flecha ver mas - Gehiago ikusi gezi ikonoa Icono PDF - PDF ikonoa Organization chart 2024/12/18

Icono flecha ver mas - Gehiago ikusi gezi ikonoa Icono carpeta cerrada - Itxitako karpeta ikonoa Icono carpeta abierta Professional profile of senior EITB positions

Icono flecha ver mas - Gehiago ikusi gezi ikonoa Icono PDF - PDF ikonoa Management board 2025/03/12